The story chronicles the life of the resistance fighter, Fatma N'Soumer, who battled against the French forces and led the civil resistance in the major tribal areas until the year 1857, at a time...Read more when people came face-to-face with the enemy with unrivaled ferocity and heroism.
The Dai slaps the French consul in Algeria and the whole region is talking about him because he is thus exposing the country to trouble. The Dai's daughter goes shopping with her maid. As for Ibrahim, he quarrels with his wife over staying up late and drinking every night.
The story chronicles the life of the resistance fighter, Fatma N'Soumer, who battled against the French forces and led the civil resistance in the major tribal areas until the year...Read more 1857, at a time when people came face-to-face with the enemy with unrivaled ferocity and heroism.