A social drama that depicts the life of the family of Hob, a bank manager, and his wife Wahba, a housewife, in a family setting that reflects their struggles with their children and their families, as...Read more well as many comic situations that occur along the way.
As Saleh learns from Hob that he wants to marry a girl named Wahba and her father is named Abdel Fattah Abu Taha, it turns out that Saleh and Abdel Fattah are friends. Sami refuses that Wahba marry Hob as he wants to wed her to Rashid. Hob is hired to work in a bank and signs the contract.
A social drama that depicts the life of the family of Hob, a bank manager, and his wife Wahba, a housewife, in a family setting that reflects their struggles with their children...Read more and their families, as well as many comic situations that occur along the way.