Title Content: Movie - Tron: Legacy - 2010


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When a games program designed by Kevin Flynn challenges the main surveillance program, causing chaos and devastation throughout the network, he's pulled inside the virtual world. His son Sam Flynn tries to find his father and come to his rescue.

This picture is a science fiction film and is a sequel to the 1982 film “Tron”. The title marks Joseph Kosinski’s feature film directorial debut while “Tron” director Steven Lisberger returns as a producer. The film features the performances of Micheal Sheen, Olivia Wilde and Beau Garrett among others. Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner retain their previous roles from “Tron”. Sam Flynn is determined to find out the causes behind the puzzling disappearance of his father. He manages to track down a signal from his father that leads him to an abandoned arcade. Therein, Flynn finds his father trapped in a sort of digital world. Marooned in a world populated with unfamiliar vehicles, weapons and backdrops, Sam and his father must find a way out of the bizarre realm. They are aided in their efforts by Quorra (Olivia Wilde), a ruthless warrior.