The series revolves around the life of Murad's family, whose wife Nadia is a social worker at a girls' school. Problems begin to emerge after her work is intervening with Murad's work, and also when...Read more Nadia discovers hidden secrets from Murad's past.
Murad visits his friend Adham who offers him an export office in his name to evade taxes in exchange for his work in the office. Nadia begins her work as a social worker at a school. The father of one of the students, Amal Farid, tells Nadia that Amal's mother has passed away.
The series revolves around the life of Murad's family, whose wife Nadia is a social worker at a girls' school. Problems begin to emerge after her work is intervening with Murad's...Read more work, and also when Nadia discovers hidden secrets from Murad's past.