The events revolve around Seif Al-Ghanem, who returns to his homeland after nearly four years of absence, only for his life to turn upside down. The events continue, as love grows between Issa and...Read more Maryam, the girl who is trying hard to support her family.
Saeed bids farewell to Issa from inside the prison, where he is deported to his country, and Issa stays to complete his prison term abroad. When Issa returns, his family receives him coldly, fearing that he has AIDS, due to the rumors they have heard.
The events revolve around Seif Al-Ghanem, who returns to his homeland after nearly four years of absence, only for his life to turn upside down. The events continue, as love grows...Read more between Issa and Maryam, the girl who is trying hard to support her family.