The series revolves around love relations between men and women in society, which is controlled by the man, but emphasizes at the same time that the woman is the shoulder behind the man that he leans...Read more on . She's the strongest and most accommodating to the selfishness of men.
The events revolve around three sisters, Hala, Aida, and Salma, and their friend Rowida. Maher tries to return to Rowida after their separation more than once due to his multiple relationships. Hala tries to balance raising her daughter Mona with her work, and Salma still hopes to fall in love.
The series revolves around love relations between men and women in society, which is controlled by the man, but emphasizes at the same time that the woman is the shoulder behind...Read more the man that he leans on . She's the strongest and most accommodating to the selfishness of men.