Home-y Hown  (2004)  This Is My Home


The story follows the various situations that encounter the aristocratic El Agabashi family, which consists of the three sisters Soraya, Karam and Sabah, in addition to Karam’s son, Fakhri, who is...Read more studying medicine, following in the footsteps of the late head of the family, Dr. Fakhri El Agabashi.

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Episodes (40 episodes)

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    The police arrest Fakhri for forging the high school diploma, while Sabah was the one who forged it, so Soraya intervenes and calls the minister, after which Fakhri's picture spread as he got the highest grades in high school, so companies offer that he appears in ads for their products.


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The story follows the various situations that encounter the aristocratic El Agabashi family, which consists of the three sisters Soraya, Karam and Sabah, in addition to Karam’s...Read more son, Fakhri, who is studying medicine, following in the footsteps of the late head of the family, Dr. Fakhri El Agabashi.


  • Category:
  • Series

  • Is this a coloured title?:
  • Yes

  • Filming Locations
  • Syrian Arab Republic

  • Episodes:
  • 40 episodes (more)
