The events revolve around Amina, who changes her name to Safi, a society woman who is arranging her fifth marriage. Officer Hassan, who is separated from his wife, appears. Safi worries about Sharif's feelings if he knew what Salah's newspaper published about her past.
Dalia, a journalist of Syrian origin, participates in the sit-in at the Journalists Syndicate, and Abdul Hamid is still suffering the neighborhood's people’s taunts about his daughter Safi’s many marriages. Ali is still defending his first love, Amina, in front of the neighborhood’s people.
Salah assigns Dalia to cover the news of Safi’s marriage. Safi is still trying to keep her sister Zainab and her husband Atta out of her life. Hassan tries to balance his work and seeing his children, and the lawyer of Nadeem’s wife, Kamal, hires someone to sabotage the wedding.
Hassan suffers from his father's attacks on the government, and Sharif is still haunted by Safi's past, so he thinks about canceling the wedding. Abdul Hamid reopens the shop, while Hassan's father nominates himself for the presidency of the Wafd Party.
Hassan's father agrees to his son's request to refrain from writing about the Ministry of Interior due to the sensitivity of his position. Abdul Hamid and Ali are not spared from the taunts of the neighborhood's people, and Hassan's debts continue to haunt him.
Senior statesmen attend Safi and Sharif's wedding. Dalia attends the wedding to cover it in the media, while Abdul Hamid consoles Ali for not forgetting his love for Safi. One of the hotel employees, Battah, insults Younis Al Ghoul for harassing her.
Safi warns Dalia not to publish the facts of the harassment incident, and the hotel management withdraws from firing Batta in order to preserve the hotel’s reputation. Samira fires Bakri after an argument breaks out between him and Younis Al Ghoul.
Dalia enlists the help of Hassan as the hotel management detains Battah. Sharif regrets his relationship with Safi, and Battah denies that Younis Al Ghoul assaulted her after the hotel management agreed to extend her contract.
Safi kicks Dalia out because she suspects that she was the one who informed the police, while the guests flee after the news of a bomb in the hall spreads. Safi suspects Nadeem’s incitement to sabotage her wedding, and Hassan investigates the bomb incident.
Hassan is surprised when Sharif leaves the hotel late, news of Safi's wedding being sabotaged spreads on social media, and Samira succeeds in thwarting Safi's attempt to commit suicide.
Abdul Hamid discovers that Sharif has divorced his daughter, and Sharif goes to his family’s graves. The police are still reviewing the surveillance tapes to find out the identity of who claimed there was a bomb, while everyone is surprised by Safi’s death.
Hassan interrogates the hotel workers, and Samira breaks down after learning the news of Safi’s murder. The person who send the threat message is searched for, and suspicions are raised about Samira as she was the last person to be with the murdered woman.
The public prosecutor goes to the crime scene to take fingerprints and search for evidence. Hassan spoils Dalia’s attempt to storm the crime scene, while an arrest warrant is issued for Sharif.
Samira tells Hassan that Sharif divorces Safi because he had found an inappropriate video of her with Nadeem during their marriage. The assistant minister's request not to mention Nadeem in the investigations surprises Hassan. Samira tells the prosecution of Safi's anger at her before the incident.
Hassan is surprised when Nadeem appears in the elevator recordings before the crime occurred. Hassan discovers that the alarm system has malfunctioned, and investigations are still underway to search for the killer.
Minister Aziz Al Gebali is nervous about Safi calling him before she was killed. Aziz tells his friend Farouk the details of the call and his agreement to intervene to reconcile her with Sharif, while Hassan and Dalia agree to cooperate to find Safi’s killer.
One of the employees testifies that the person who sent the threat message was Mansour, the brother of one of the employees who died as a result of the hotel’s negligence. Mansour admits that Nadeem’s wife’s lawyer incited him to sabotage the wedding.
Dalia succeeds in obtaining Nadeem's fingerprints, and the forensic report proves that there are two fingerprints on the murder weapon, one belonging to a hotel worker and the other to an American tourist, while Sharif is arrested.
Hassan tries to reach the American tourist, who traveled to Port Said and intends to go to Cyprus. Sharif rejects Hassan's advice to accuse Nadeem of ruining his relationship with Safi and threatening her.
Samira confesses to Hassan that Safi contacted her to request drugs and Maher is arrested with drugs in his home.
Hassan is surprised that the American tourist is a Marine officer and has a relationship with the Shura Council representative. The friendship between Hassan and Dalia is strengthened, while Hassan succeeds in obtaining permission from the Public Prosecution to arrest the tourist.
Mansour continues to cooperate with Hassan to ambush the lawyer of Nadeem’s wife, Kamal. Barakat withdraws Safi's savings accounts, while Hassan and Dalia exchange admiring glances.
Barakat rents a furnished apartment to hide the money, and Hassan is surprised that there is no connection between the American tourist and Safi’s murder. Meanwhile, Hassan does not succeed in blackmailing Barakat using his stealing Safi’s money to make him officially accuse Nadeem.
Nadeem's wife's lawyer confirms that there is cooperation between Dalia and Hassan. Hassan denies leaking information to Dalia about the progress of the case. Hassan enlists Dalia's help to convince Abdul Hamid to accuse Nadeem, while Hassan is surprised by the disappearance of his son Ali.
Hassan informs Ayten of his intention to marry Dalia, while Ali returns to his home as a warning to Hassan. It appears that Umniah’s incited to kidnap Ali. Dalia resigns from working with Salah after he issues a decision to prevent the publication of an article about Nadeem, and Sharif is released.
Hassan is surprised by Nadeem's visit to prove that his presence at the hotel was to sign agreements with Israeli companies. He denies his attempt to kidnap Ali, and that he signed an agreement with Safi to recover his money. Samira is surprised by an order to search her house.
Samira confesses to placing recordings of Safi and Nadeem in the hotel room, while Dalia and Hassan confess their love for each other. Nadeem makes his statement and the prosecution acquits him.
The prosecution removes Hassan from investigating the case due to his previous link to Safi, as she accused him twenty years ago of fabricating against her a crime regarding her honor.
Samira and Nagwa's attempt to blackmail the minister with Safi's memoirs fails, and Hassan is surprised when Ali confesses that Ali killed Safi. Hassan reviews the forensic report, raising his suspicions about Sharif.
Sharif confesses to Hassan that he was impersonating a surgeon, and Ali is taken to the hospital following a suicide attempt. Hassan discovers that Abdul Hamid was in contact with Safi, so he is interrogated. Abdul Hamid confesses the details of his daughter’s murder.