The story revolves around the family of Umm Ahmed Bilalish who lives in one of the old Damascene neighborhoods. When Farhan proposes to marry Samar, her mother reluctantly agrees. The events start...Read more taking a comic twist when the family wins the lottery and their social status changes.
Samar falls down the stairs when Farhan arrives while she is cleaning. Umm Khaled (Khaled's mother) brings Sawsan to Umm Ahmed (Ahmed's mother) to help her with childbirth. Samar's mother tells her daughter about what happened to her in the police station.
The story revolves around the family of Umm Ahmed Bilalish who lives in one of the old Damascene neighborhoods. When Farhan proposes to marry Samar, her mother reluctantly agrees....Read more The events start taking a comic twist when the family wins the lottery and their social status changes.