Title Content: Movie - Robin Hood - 2010


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Robin Longstride along with his band of his mercenaries set out to unite the people of England to stand up to the invading French forces led by King Philip.

This picture is an adaptation of the famous Robin Hood legend. The film stars Russel Crowe and was directed by Ridley Scott. Robin Hood (Russel Crowe) and three soldiers are making their way back to England after their King, Richard the Lionheart was slain in battle. Whilst on their route they are ambushed by a group of knights. Upon repelling their assailants they take off with their armor. Robin Hood takes the sword of a dying Knight and promises him that he will return it to his father in Nottingham. In the ensuing events Robin Hood is betrayed by a Royal and retreats to Sherwood forest. Thus, the famous legend of Robin Hood and the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest begins.