The series follows the lives of three friends, each with his own approach to life; one who managed to earn his position as a judge at the Criminal Court, the second is a prominent nuclear scientist,...Read more and the third who works as a fisherman after spending a lifetime in jail for his socialist ideologies.
Minister Qadri awaits the ministerial change. Dr. Aziz prepares to appear in the Stars of Scientists program. Counselor Raafat is stepping down from a case in which an old friend of his is accused. Bishryia is trying to obtain a doctorate through her minister brother and her husband, the atomic scientist.
The series follows the lives of three friends, each with his own approach to life; one who managed to earn his position as a judge at the Criminal Court, the second is a prominent...Read more nuclear scientist, and the third who works as a fisherman after spending a lifetime in jail for his socialist ideologies.