Ramadan lives with his wife Nemat, who refused to marry Imad. He is very loved by the people of the village and tries to enlighten their minds about the corruption that Mayor Dahshan and Tolba, the People’s Assembly member, are doing.
Fikri quarrels with his brother Tolba because he accuses him and his sisters of taking advantage of his position. Fikri decides to make Ramadan their representative to get rid of Tolba. Ramadan goes to Tolba’s house to fight with Imad because of his harassment to Nemat.
Salem returns from France, and Shahira, the journalist, meets Tolba to write his life story. Nemat’s father’s house burns down, so he settles in Ramadan’s house. Fikri meets Ramadan and asks him to cooperate with him against Tolba. Imad learns that Olga is pregnant with his child.
Mushaira convinced Tolba to take Imad’s son and register him in their name. Dahshan informs Ramadan of his desire to marry Howaida in exchange for giving him a sum of money and tells him of the electricity company's desire to take his mother’s land to build a generator on it.
Shahira admits to Tolba that she is not a journalist and that she has been chasing him for a year because of her love for him. Mushaira meets Olga and offers her a large sum of money in exchange for the child and she agrees.
Ramadan discovers the mayor’s agreement with Rashdan and the principal to help the village’s youth immigrate to France. Tolba agrees with the health unit doctor to register Olga’s son in his name. Tolba transfers Ramadan to another school, and Ramadan is arrested on charges of inciting a riot.
Tolba announces the news of Mushaira’s pregnancy in the village, and the mayor celebrates it. Ramadan fails to meet the governor to present his project to him. Ramadan convinces the village geniuses to propose marriage to Khazina to obtain her land for the project, but she rejects them all and asks to marry Ramadan.
Ramadan quarrels with Nemat because of his desire to marry Khazina. Ramadan marries Khazina, and the mayor writes a sizable dowry for him to pay.
Ramadan asks the mayor for the deed of Khazina's land. He tells him that her land was sold a year ago. Ramadan fails again to meet the governor, so he meets his driver and goes with him to meet him at the northern coast.
Ramadan meets the governor, and the governor has a heart attack and dies. Nemat starts a new job at Tolba 's and discovers that Imad is her director. Khazina returns to her work at the school. Ramadan discovers that he has been laid off in transportation to the Mit Abu Halawa School.
The new governor comes to honor the player Douma, so Ramadan tries to present the project to him, but he tells him to present it to the students. Ramadan sells his car because he needs money. When he learns that Imad has harrassed Neamat, he prevents her from going to work.
Ramadan confirms Nemat's pregnancy. Ramadan meets Abdul Hamid, the mayor of the village of Mit Abu Halawa, and takes his job at the middle school. He discovers that the people of the town hate him despite his help to them. Ramadan finds out that Abdul Hamid has a young man with special needs, so he begins teaching him.
Tolba informs Shahira that Mushaira is not pregnant, and Mushaira discovers that Olga is pregnant with a boy. Ramadan meets Samir, his lawyer friend, who tells him that Abdul Hamid is the best official in the country. Ramadan convinces Abdul Hamid to run for office instead of Tolba for the village of Mit Paris.
Dahshan warns Ramadan against spreading riots around his students. Ramadan presents his project to Abdul Hamid. Tolba discovers that Shahira is pregnant, that he has no problems having children, and that Mushaira is deceiving him. Olga gives birth to the dead child.
After discovering Mushaira's pregnancy, the mayor replaces Ramadan's son with the dead child and obtains a birth certificate. Tolba tells Mushaira about his marriage, so she threatens to report him to the police. Tolba confronts Mushaira after learning the boy is not Imad's son, and she says she doesn't know his parents.
The electricity company places its hand on Ramadan’s mother’s land. Ramadan discovers Abdul Hamid’s agreement with Tolba and their announcement to the villagers that Ramadan’s project can not be implemented, so Ramadan decides to go to France.
Ramadan asks Albert to teach him French. Ramadan arrives in France and is arrested at the airport because his name is similar to that of a terrorist. They discover the mistake and release him. Ramadan goes to the Egyptian embassy and discovers that it is closed for vacation.
Ramadan continues to walk the streets and goes to the market, where he meets young men from Mit Paris, and he meets an Egyptian called Muhammad and settles in his house.
Ghobashi blackmails Dahshan to get money from him to kidnap Ramadan’s son. Ramadan shouts at a dog on the metro, so he gets arrested, Muhammad takes him out of prison, and they order him to visit the dog. Ramadan discovers that Sabri, who is helping him, is a driver at the embassy.
Ramadan asks the Egyptian ambassador to hire him, so he hires him as an Arabic language teacher at the Arab Cultural Center and provides him with a place to stay. Ramadan begins teaching Arabic to the Egyptians’ children. Dahshan demolishes Ramadan’s house.
Ramadan's mother falls ill and is transferred to the hospital. Nemat begins working as a nanny for Mushaira. Ramadan's relationship with his student Sophie strengthens and he communicates with his family constantly.
Ramadan buys a sheep to slaughter for Eid, so the police arrest him and he pays a fine. Abdul Hamid is arrested for practicing medicine without a license. It turns out that Shahira is pregnant with a girl, and Sharif, Nemat 's son falls ill.
Nemat and Imad take Sherif to the hospital. Ramadan fights with Sophie because of her work as a dancer in a nightclub. Abdul Hamid is bailed out. Mushaira quarrels with Tolba over his published pictures with Shahira and her daughters. Helmy becomes Mit Abu Halawa's mayor. Ramadan’s mother’s condition worsens.
Abdul Hamid transfers Ramadan's mother to a hospital in Cairo, and Shahira gives birth to a daughter named Khayria. Sophie quits working in the club and works in a restaurant. Ramadan finds Awad and makes him communicate with his mother, so Awad returns to Mit Paris.
Mushaira asks Tolba to divorce Shahira or else she will expose him. Abdul Hamid contacts Ramadan and asks him to run against Tolba in the elections. Ramadan gives a bone to a dog and it dies. He is banned from traveling, and the police arrest him.
Muhammad smuggles Ramadan, and Ghobashi takes money from Tolba and tells him that the child is Ramadan’s son. Ramadan returns to Mit Paris in a coffin, and Dahshan orders his men to wait for Ramadan and prevent him from entering the country until the end of the election time.
Subhi spreads the news of Ramadan's death in agreement with Abdul Hamid. Ramadan enters the village inside a coffin, then suddenly emerges from it and confronts the mayor and Tolba. Ramadan learns that Tolba threatened to kill Shaaban, Abdul Hamid's son.
Abdul Hamid gives Ramadan a gun to protect himself. Ramadan learns from Tolba that his son is still alive and he was replaced by another child. Ghobashi goes Ramadan and shoots him by mistake. Dahshan and Tolba ask him to escape, promising him that they will fake his death, so Ramadan flees with the child.
Dahshan burns Ramadan's house with Ghobashi's body inside and convinces the people of Ramadan's death. Ramadan takes the child to Nemat and discovers Tolba's conspiracy. Abdul Hamid visits Ramadan's mother, and Ramadan tells him that the gun was not real. Ramadan tells him that they had forced him to sign a statement that he had killed Ghobashi.
Tolba divorces Mushaira and the people of the village revolts against him. Mushaira confesses the truth to Nemat. Dahshan asks Tolba for half of his wealth, so he kills him and Subhi sees him. Ramadan returns to Mit Paris and records a confession of Tolba about what he did. Mushaira testifies against Tolba and he is arrested. Ramadan begins his project.