The events revolve around a group of friends who were high school mates, and their journey begins as they move to the United Arab Emirates to steer away from the war in Syria, but this only sends them...Read more into many adventures, encountering challenges along the way.
Yazan's wife refuses to let him see his children because of the problems between them. Louay cons women as Mahjoub sells his store to travel to the UAE. Tariq gets close to his student, Rasha. The young men finalize their travel documents.
Favourite AlSharqiya Channel | Saturday 21 December | 05:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite AlSharqiya Channel | Sunday 22 December | 01:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite AlSharqiya Channel | Sunday 22 December | 07:11 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite AlSharqiya Channel | Sunday 22 December | 05:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite AlSharqiya Channel | Monday 23 December | 01:00 AM | Reminder |
The events revolve around a group of friends who were high school mates, and their journey begins as they move to the United Arab Emirates to steer away from the war in Syria, but...Read more this only sends them into many adventures, encountering challenges along the way.