The story revolves around the grandfather Abu Saleh, who owns a residential neighborhood consisting of several houses. Abu Saleh lives in the neighborhood with his grandson Sweileh, and as the days go...Read more by, the grandfather's children come to live with him in the same neighborhood; however, they want him to sell it.
Sweileh is angry with his grandfather for his refusal to buy a new air conditioner or refrigerator. Businessman Saqr bin Naqdi is preparing to open a shopping mall in the neighborhood where Sweileh lives with his grandfather.
The story revolves around the grandfather Abu Saleh, who owns a residential neighborhood consisting of several houses. Abu Saleh lives in the neighborhood with his grandson...Read more Sweileh, and as the days go by, the grandfather's children come to live with him in the same neighborhood; however, they want him to sell it.