As Amjad surprises his secretary by proposing to her, she agrees. But when his wife, Safaa, finds out, she confronts him with his betrayal. As Adnan becomes worried that he might get fired from work, he discovers that it was just an illusion.
Amjad decides to occupy his time by establishing a football team affiliated with his work and coach them. As Amjad's team wins all its matches, he discovers that he has to pay a lot of taxes for each match. As Adnan secretly works in a nightclub with Wasim, his manager finds out eventually.
Amjad leaves an important meeting at work to go to a patient who is taken to the operating room, and after the patient is discharged, Amjad holds a big celebration until everyone discovers that the patient is his own dog. Adnan goes into a similar adventure when his wife enters the hospital.
As Amjad's sister and daughter come for a visit, Safaa suffers from their bad treatment of her and their intrusion, so she ends up kicking them out. Adnan's sister also comes to visit him, and she and his wife compete with each other in a cooking match.
After his grandfather passed away, Amjad evades his lawyer for fear of paying additional expenses after burying his grandfather, only to discover that the lawyer wants to hand him over the large inheritance of his grandfather. A mysterious man tells Adnan that he has obtained a great inheritance.
As Amjad becomes obsessed with the Internet, Safaa begins to watch him only to discover his betrayal of her. Adnan forgets to pay the washing machine installment because of his Internet addiction.
As Safaa becomes pregnant, Amjad gets anxious and worried for his unborn baby, as he tries to make sure he prepares an ideal life for him, only to discover that the pregnancy is false. Adnan's wife gives birth to triplets.
With the emergence of the cell phone in the global markets, Amjad and Safaa buy two new phones to find out the pros and cons of the device on the family, while Adnan and his family suffer from the poor service of landlines.
As Amjad's secretary complains to Safaa because of his harassment of her, Safaa suspects that he's cheating on her, as he seeks to mend his relationship with her. Lina discovers that Adnan is seeing another woman.
As a salesman called Alaa tries to sell his products to Safaa, it turns out that he and his companions are plotting to rob Amjad's house, who returns with Safaa and finds the house completely robbed. Lina buys a cream from a sales representative which causes her face burns.
As Amjad, Safaa, Hussam and his wife go on New Year's Eve to spend the night in a fancy hotel, their car breaks down and they end up in a truck driven by criminals, so the police arrest them all. As Adnan and his friends organize a party at home, the police arrest them for causing disturbance.
Hussam asks Amjad to get an advance for an operation for his wife, he agrees after making him sign a trust receipt; Hussam suffers from Amjad's control over him. Adnan is forced to borrow money from his co-workers to buy a refrigerator, but when he fails to pay off the debt, he begins to evade them.
As Amjad prepares to go to a wedding with Safaa and his sister, the trio clash over what each of them should wear, but they soon have an accident on the road. Adnan and Lina get into an accident while going to a wedding that causes their clothes to get ruined.
Amjad meets with four merchants to agree on their withdrawal from the Chamber of Commerce elections and nominate him on their behalf, but soon he is exposed to a trick from one of them. As Adnan runs for the elections of the House of Representatives, he discovers that he got only two votes.
As Safaa has doubts about Amjad's marriage, she eventually finds out that she was wrong. Lina suspects that Adnan has taken a second wife when she receives a call from Hussein, who tells her that he has cheated on her, only to discover that the whole thing is just a prank.
As Samantha, a representative of a foreign company, comes to cooperate with Amjad on a new project, Safaa has doubts about her identity; Amjad eventually finds out that she doesn't work with the company before she vanishes. Lina's neighbor causes a wedge between her and Adnan.
As Amjad forgets his wedding anniversary, he rushes to try to cheat on Safaa with Suheir, so the latter sets him up and tells his wife about it. Adnan collects money from his colleagues to buy a gift for Lina on their wedding anniversary.
Amjad relies on paying bribes to quickly finalize the affairs of his company, believing that the bribery will restore the Lebanese pound to its position, but he soon falls victim to fraud. Adnan tries to bribe the finance employee to evade paying his property dues, only to end up getting arrested.
As the month of Ramadan arrives, Amjad suffers from his desire to sleep and evade the hours of fasting and between running his work. Adnan and Lina get an invitation to eat in a restaurant, so they go to have breakfast to discover that the invitation is only for suhoor; they have to pay the check.
As Amjad enters an auction, he tries to persuade his rivals to let him win it; Wafiq asks for a bribe to withdraw, so Amjad lures him and reports him to the police. As Adnan and Abu Khalil enter the auction world, the duo soon loses.
As Amjad discovers Wafiq's participation in a tourism company, he decides to go with Safaa on a vacation to Europe; the duo is soon exposed to theft. Adnan goes to a tourism company for domestic tourism in Syria, only for him to win a prize to travel to the Bahamas.
As Safaa has a dream of Amjad being betrayed, her friend tells her that the dream is about her and that Amjad is cheating on her; she eventually discovers that she was wrong about him because of listening to what people say. People talk causes to drive a wedge between Adnan and Lina.
Amjad survives an attempt to kill him by Hussam, only to find everyone, including Safaa, conspiring against him to get rid of him and take over his wealth, until he discovers that it's just a dream. Adnan has a dream of a strange experience that makes him discover how much he loves Lina.
As Amjad helps a woman named Rima who had an accident on the road, he soon gets into a lot of trouble. As Adnan takes a person who was hit by a car to the hospital, the police arrest him and accuse him of injuring him.
Amjad is busy growing eggplant in order to make a big deal of Makdous food, but Safaa quickly causes the deal to fail. Lina's desire to eat Makdous causes many disputes between her and Adnan.
As Amjad enters a fateful tender in his work, he discovers that the winner is his wife Safaa; he decides to kick her out. As the clashes between Adnan and Lina increase, he loses his temper and divorces her.
As Amjad tries to stand up to Hussam's disputes with his company, he falls again into a new scheme of Wafiq's machinations. Adnan resorts to inviting his manager to dinner in hopes of getting nominated for a work assignment abroad, but the manager apologizes for not coming.
As Suheir and Hussam search for jobs in the classifieds, Amjad finds an ad of a property for sale at a small price; he goes with Safaa’s where they get conned by the seller. As Adnan finds an ad to look after an elderly man, he goes to take care of him with Lina, and the man gives up his fortune to them.
As Amjad and Safaa reach the retirement age, he gets drugs from Wafiq to help him restore his youth, but he soon discovers that it is a hoax and the drugs cause paralysis. After Adnan gets older, he causes many troubles to the people of the neighbourhood after he discloses secrets.