A unique team of four former US Army Special Forces are charged with a war crime that occurred during the invasion of Iraq. They escape to try to prove their innocence, carrying out suicide operations that require special skills, and abilities possessed only by members of the A- Team.
Four American soldiers in Iraq are sent on a secret mission that only their commanding officer and a CIA spook know the details of. Their mission is to recover plates for printing dollar bills. After completing the task and returning to their base their commanding officer is killed and the plates are stolen. After a court martial, they are each sent to different prisons. Six months later, the leader of the group is visited by the CIA spook who tells him the current location of the man who stole the plates, he also tells him that he wants him and his men to recover the plates once again. He also helps him and his men escape from their prisons so that they could carry out this mission once again.
The A-Team are not your usual everyday military unit. Its four members are veteran special forces operatives with unmatched fighting and survival skills. The members of the team are accused of having a hand in a heinous war crime that occurred during the American invasion of Iraq. They are subsequently indicted and imprisoned. However, the A-Team do not stand for this and escape from prison with the aim of somehow proving their innocence. Their quest to reveal the truth takes them from one cliffhanger to another where their almost super-human abilities are tested to the limit.