Episodes: Series - Shoofly Hal 5 - 2008

  • season 5
  • episode #1

1st Episode

El Sebouei becomes in charge of monitoring the workers in the new house. Jannat goes to Suleiman and wants him to hand over the apartment because he is late. Azza is waiting to give birth at any moment.


  • season 5
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

El Baghi goes to the new house to do the electrical work. Suleiman's daughter returns from Sfax, she and Hamza, and asks him to move to the capital. Azza wants to change the names of the twins.


  • season 5
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

As Azza gives birth to a boy and a girl, the family is happy with them; the problem of the names is resolved. Dalanda and Wasim come to congratulate them. Sebouei eats the share of Baghi and Fushika of the sweets.


  • season 5
  • episode #4

4th Episode

As Suleiman moves to live in the new house, he is robbed, so Baghi comes to install a camera. As Sebouei can't get any sleep since the birth of the children, he decides to go to sleep in Suleiman's house, who gets angry because he wanted to have some privacy with his wife.


  • season 5
  • episode #5

5th Episode

As Fofa becomes pregnant, she and her husband spend an evening with Suleiman and his family in the new house. Azza, Sebouei, and his mother meet in the old apartment where Amany and Hamza go to see the twins.


  • season 5
  • episode #6

6th Episode

As Suleiman's wife wants to set up a project, she talks with her mother who suggests opening a store, but she is afraid of losing. Medo comes to the clinic and tells Suleiman that he is studying cosmetics.


  • season 5
  • episode #7

7th Episode

As Azza speaks on the radio, she talks about her daily life and her relationship with family members. As Jannat, Sebouei's mother, and Suleiman's wife hear her, her mother-in-law gets angry with Azza because she believes that she spoke badly of her, so she decides to live with Suleiman.


  • season 5
  • episode #8

8th Episode

As Suleiman's mother decides to slaughter a sheep in celebration of the new house, she asks her son to buy a sheep, so he asks Baghi to buy it because he knows more than him. As Fushika grills the meat, Fofa and her husband come to celebrate, along with Sebouei and his wife.


  • season 5
  • episode #9

9th Episode

When Sebouei can't find any food in the fridge, he drinks his children's milk; he ends up having a stomach ache. When his mother finds out, she goes to visit the twins and cooks, especially since the baby is sick and Jannat is also sick.


  • season 5
  • episode #10

10th Episode

At Fushika's instigation, El Sebouei asks Suleiman for a salary increase because the expenses have become a lot after the birth of the children; Suleiman accepts while El Baghi refuses.


  • season 5
  • episode #11

11th Episode

As the night of El Mawlid El Nabi arrives, Suleiman buys pine for his mother to cook, but Amany spoils it. His mother ends up asking him to buy her nuts instead of pine.


  • season 5
  • episode #12

12th Episode

As Azza hits Sebouei in the eye, he goes to buy medicine without telling anyone. Zeinab asks Suleiman to build the clinic over the new house next to Sebouei’s house who disapproves as his mother had told him. Suleiman raises the price of the examination.


  • season 5
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Sebouei wants to work in another place so that he makes more money and fulfills all his wishes. Suleiman tells his mother that when the loan is paid, he will build Sebouei's house and she will move in with him.


  • season 5
  • episode #14

14th Episode

As a patient goes to the clinic, he brings a hookah‎ and Sebouei helps him to light it, much to Suleiman's anger. When Suleiman discovers that Amany and Hamza went to Sania's party, and so did Sebouei, he rebukes them.


  • season 5
  • episode #15

15th Episode

As Suleiman's wife decides to open a beauty center with Fofa, she wants to buy the shop of her neighbor Khawla's husband. As Jannat joins them in the project, Suleiman is forced to agree on the idea.


  • season 5
  • episode #16

16th Episode

Zeinab and Medo meet Fofa at Jannat's house to divide the work between them in the beauty center; Azza asks Sebouei to work with them.


  • season 5
  • episode #17

17th Episode

As Wasim returns from Dubai, he goes to meet Dalanda at the clinic and gives gifts to Suleiman and Sebouei. Zeinab opens the beauty center and Azza now works there. The tax employee comes over to Suleiman who is not prepared to pay.


  • season 5
  • episode #18

18th Episode

As Wasim discovers that Dalanda was having an affair behind his back, he becomes angry and travels. On the day of the center’s opening, Suleiman attends along with Sebouei and the twins.


  • season 5
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Chakib gives roses to Dalanda who meets him so that he does not come to the clinic; Sebouei informs Suleiman. Jannat reads Medo's fortune in the center behind Zeinab's back.


  • season 5
  • episode #20

20th Episode

As Sebouei goes out with Sania and her friend, both Suleiman and Fushika want to know what kind of relationship they have; they ask Baghi to find out. As Fadela is having dinner at Suleiman's house, Azza and the children stay overnight.


  • season 5
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Sebouei goes to the beach with Sania and her friend without telling Azza who becomes angry when she finds out. Suleiman goes to the center which Medo supervises, while his daughters go to the sea with Hamza.


  • season 5
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Suleiman is jealous of Sebouei because the girls love him; Baghi spies on him while he serves cakes to Sania. As Jannat reads the fortune to the customers at the center, Zeinab likes it because it's good for business.


  • season 5
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Suleiman invites Baghi and Fushika to go to the beauty center, and Dalanda goes with them; Zeinab gets angry because the first man to enter the center is Baghi and she quarrels with Suleiman.


  • season 5
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Sebouei agrees with Fushika to impersonate a fortune teller to get money, and while he is in his house with a foreign woman reading her fortune, Suleiman comes with Baghi and exposes his scheme, so Sebouei quarrels with him.


  • season 5
  • episode #25

25th Episode

As Sebouei, Azza, and Jannat sleep over in Suleiman's house, they like the peace and quiet in the area. They go in the morning to exercise in the center. Si Hosi also goes as well, but he could not take it and faints.


  • season 5
  • episode #26

26th Episode

As El Jghal goes to Baghi's shop looking for him in order to take the money he owes him, Sebouei and Fushika get scared and hide from him. Jghal finds Baghi in Suleiman's office and hits him.


  • season 5
  • episode #27

27th Episode

As Azza asks Sebouei to be romantic with her, he goes to Medo to teach him. As Faker and his wife come from Canada to visit Zeinab and Suleiman, they admire the beauty center and praise everyone.


  • season 5
  • episode #28

28th Episode

As Azza teaches women folk dancing at the center, Medo gets angry with her. The girls go to the beach with Fofa and Zeinab; Azza doesn't go because Sebouei is working, while Suleiman refuses to take a vacation.


  • season 5
  • episode #29

29th Episode

As Sebouei buys a chicken for his mother, he takes it with him in the office; Suleiman sends him home so that his mother slaughters it. Jannat tells Zeinab and Fofa that she is still reading the fortune to customers in the center after the profits have multiplied.


  • season 5
  • episode #30

30th Episode

As Jannat's ex-fiancé, Imran, comes to meet her, she thinks that he's here to marry her after all those years, so she decides to give the apartment to Sebouei and her share in the center to Azza. But when Jannat discovers that he is married and has children, she retracts all her decisions.
