Shedding light on characters in Egyptian society, the story follows Zaki, who works hard as a taxi driver. However, the taxi owner, a wealthy owner of a butcher shop, is constantly at odds with Zaki....Read more As the latter gets exposed to comedic situations with the passengers, he always ends up going to the police station.
Randa, an editor in the accidents department, publishes an accident that Zaki was exposed to, which led to him going to the police station. The first accident began after he worked as a taxi driver for Abu Al-Rous, who quarreled with him after Al-Kharbutli destroyed the taxi because Zaki wanted to marry his beloved, Shatta.
Shedding light on characters in Egyptian society, the story follows Zaki, who works hard as a taxi driver. However, the taxi owner, a wealthy owner of a butcher shop, is constantly...Read more at odds with Zaki. As the latter gets exposed to comedic situations with the passengers, he always ends up going to the police station.