Title Content: Movie - Ayam Al-Tahadi - 1985


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Adham returns to Egypt to be surprised that his sister, Fawzia, is imprisoned in a prostitution case. She tells him that she worked at a company and when the manager called her to his house, the police raided the place. Adham uses the help of the secretary Nargis to save his sister.

Adham returns to Egypt after living in the Gulf for several years and is surprised to learn that his sister Fawziyya is in prison for sexual crimes. Fawizyya tells Adham that his own friend “Margush” offered her a job in one of the companies, and after he told her to come to his apartment - which he used for prostitution - the police raided the apartment. Adham courts Nergis, the secretary of a businessman named El Eissawy who was the partner of his deceased father and has blackmailed him, claiming that his father owed him money when he died. With Nergis’ help, Adham learns of all the illegal activities that this business man is involved in.