Title Content: Movie - Cartoon - A Christmas Carol - 2009


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Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserly old man who derives joy from inflicting misery upon others. On Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of a former business partner. The ghost tells him that he is suffering in his afterlife for his greedy ways and warns Scrooge of a much worse fate.

This film is an adaptations of Charles Dickens’ story of the same name. The picture was directed by Robert Zemeckis. Jim Carrey assumes a multitude of roles in this production, including the roles of Scrooge and three of the ghosts who haunt him. Ebenezer Scrooge (Jim Carrey) is a miserly old man who derives joy from inflicting misery upon others. Rather than enjoying the cheerful Christmas spirit he holds it in contempt. Not only does he refuses to partake in any festivities, he also tries to stop others from doing so. On Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of a former business partner. The ghost tells him that he is suffering in his afterlife for his greedy ways and warns Scrooge of a much worse fate. He also tells him that he will be visited by three other ghosts that will give him additional guidance. However, Scrooge seems to be extremely stubborn. Thus, one may wonder: Can Scrooge find a way to abandon his miserly ways and learn how to be cheerful and merry so that he dies a happy man?