The film revolves around Major Marjouchi (Wahid Seif), who works for him (Saadallah and AliAllah), the army Recruits. They watch his daughters of Walaa (Jihan Qamri) and Anji (Inas Najjar) who are in...Read more a relationship with Nadir and Hatem (Sameh Yousri) the singer,who's father owns a Nightclub. Many comedies happen by the naive recruits.
The film revolves around Major Marjouchi (Wahid Seif), who works for him (Saadallah and AliAllah), the army Recruits. They watch his daughters of Walaa (Jihan Qamri) and Anji (Inas...Read more Najjar) who are in a relationship with Nadir and Hatem (Sameh Yousri) the singer,who's father owns a Nightclub. Many comedies happen by the naive recruits.