The Baker family begins to undergo many changes, beginning with Lorraine (Hilary Duff) and her desire to study in New York. Their oldest daughter Nora (Piper Perabo) is now married to Bud McNulty...Read more (Jonathan Bennett) and heavily pregnant. They intend to move to Houston because of Bud's new job promotion. Feeling the family is breaking apart, Tom (Steve Martin) persuades the whole family to go on one last uniting vacation. While on vacation, the Baker family find themselves in competition with another family of eight children.
The Baker family begins to undergo many changes, beginning with Lorraine (Hilary Duff) and her desire to study in New York. Their oldest daughter Nora (Piper Perabo) is now married...Read more to Bud McNulty (Jonathan Bennett) and heavily pregnant. They intend to move to Houston because of Bud's new job promotion. Feeling the family is breaking apart, Tom (Steve Martin) persuades the whole family to go on one last uniting vacation. While on vacation, the Baker family find themselves in competition with another family of eight children.