A remake of one of Disney's classic films in 1961, "The Stray Minded Professor", which revolves around the absent-minded Professor (Philip Brainard) who is working with his assistant (Weibo) on a new...Read more discovery, to save his girlfriend's position as the president of the research institute. Events evolve, where the fugue of his mind reaches to an extent, that he forgets his wedding date twice, at the same time he's able to discover a rubber-like material that can carry things and fly. Its called (Flubber), and strange things begin to happen that were not taken into account.
A remake of one of Disney's classic films in 1961, "The Stray Minded Professor", which revolves around the absent-minded Professor (Philip Brainard) who is working with his...Read more assistant (Weibo) on a new discovery, to save his girlfriend's position as the president of the research institute. Events evolve, where the fugue of his mind reaches to an extent, that he forgets his wedding date twice, at the same time he's able to discover a rubber-like material that can carry things and fly. Its called (Flubber), and strange things begin to happen that were not taken into account.