The events of the comedy animated series continue in the third season, with the adventures of Captain Azouz, his crew, and his aunt as they sail the world with their boat. They present a new tale in a...Read more different place, with many funny situations happening to them.
Aida decides that everyone should follow Abu Lahab's diet to cut down on cholesterol.
Favourite Nile Comedy Channel | Thursday 23 January | 07:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Comedy Channel | Thursday 23 January | 08:45 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Comedy Channel | Friday 24 January | 06:45 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Comedy Channel | Friday 24 January | 10:45 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Nile Comedy Channel | Friday 24 January | 07:00 PM | Reminder |
The events of the comedy animated series continue in the third season, with the adventures of Captain Azouz, his crew, and his aunt as they sail the world with their boat. They...Read more present a new tale in a different place, with many funny situations happening to them.