As Harby is released from prison after spending 5 years behind bars, Qabday vows to take revenge on him. Duaa is subjected to harassment from clients at work.
As Qabday and his men attack Harby to kill him, Zain rescues him at the last minute. Harby asks Inshirah to protect him from Qabday.
When the police arrest Harby, Zain asks Inshirah to help him. Duaa discovers the relationship between Magda and Fattouh. Akram releases Harby.
As Hanafy and his men attack the store of Inshirah to steal her goods, Harby and Zain confront him. Duaa leaves her work in the restaurant after Fattouh tries to harass her.
When Duaa asks Magda to help her get the rest of her salary from Fattouh, she refuses. Harby asks Dunya to help him get close to Antar. Zain goes to get Duaa’s rights and take revenge on Fattouh.
Duaa escapes from her father Nawfal's house after she refuses to marry Qabday. Harby begins to get closer to Inshirah and works to collect scrap and waste for her.
Dunya intercedes for Duaa to work in Azzam's nightclub. Inshirah asks Harby and Zain to hide her goods in a remote warehouse.
Salah gets out of prison. Duaa works as a dancer alongside Dunya. Harby steals merchandise from Hanafy and his men.
Harby and Zain discover that the car they stole contains drugs, not scraps. Antar, Rashwan, and Azzam try to find the car thief.
As Dunya is shocked after the death of her father, Rizk, Harby accuses Qabday of killing Rizk. Salah tries to stop Harby before he kills Qabday.
Qabday tells Hanafy that Harby is the one who stole the car. Zain asks Duaa to stay away from Dunya. Salah asks Harby to give Amr the drug shipment.
Amany falls in love with Harby. Duaa denies working with Duaa in the nightclub in front of Zain. Salah plans to take revenge on Adly and all those who framed him for the bribery charge.
As Harby confronts Antar, Adly, and the rest, he stipulates to get Inshirah's money in exchange for returning the truck loaded with drugs. When Rashwan discovers that the truck does not have the drugs, he captures Zain and Harby. As Antar takes charge, he releases them and returns the money to Inshirah.
When Zain discovers that Duaa has worked in Azzam's club, he gets into a fight with Azzam, who throws him out. Harby stipulates that he works as a middleman to transport the merchandise of Azzam and Antar's gangs to return the drugs.
Zain kidnaps Duaa from Dunya's house and rebukes her for working in the club. When Nashwa accuses Amany of stealing her ideas for articles, Amany threatens to resign.
Akram threatens Amany to stop her from going to work unless she ends her relationship with Harby. Rashwan warns Azzam to replace him with Zain and Harby.
The Big Man assigns Harby and Zain to deliver the goods as mediators. When Na'eem tries to get close to Harby, the latter grows suspicious of him.
Akram tries to force Amany to marry Ra'ouf. It turns out that Na'eem, the head of Amany's newspaper, is the Big Man in Azzam and Antar's gang.
As they are going to carry out the delivery of the goods, Hanafy and Qabday attack Zain and Harby to get rid of them, but Akram and his forces intervene to arrest them.
Akram informs Harby that he is Amany's brother and threatens him to stay away from her. The police release Harby and Zain. When Na'eem discovers Rashwan and Hanafy's plot against Harby, he buries them alive.
Qabday is killed. When Harby accuses Amany of colluding with her brother to spy on him, she denies it. Inshirah confesses her love for Harby.
Aziz threatens Na'eem and tells him that he knows that he killed Rashwan and Hanafy. When Salah discovers Adly's marriage to his old sweetheart, Maysa, he tries to drive a wedge between them. Na'eem reveals his identity to Zain and Harby.
Na'eem tries to find out the mastermind of Harby and Zain after being given the green light to work for him. Azzam and Antar are shocked after Na'eem favors Harby and Zain over them in the new job.
Na'eem gives the foundries company to Harby and Zain to work in it as a front that conceals his identity. Amany tries to find out the secret behind Harby's sudden wealth.
Inshirah partners up with Harby and Zain in the foundries company. Aziz blackmails Na'eem to get money. Zain decides to marry Duaa. Zain and Harby are tasked with smuggling a shipment from customs.
Ra'ouf watches Harby and Zain in an attempt to set them up, and keep Harby away from Amany. Akram attacks Amany for not staying away from Harby.
As Azzam lures Duaa in to get the rest of her entitlements, he attacks her. When Harby and Dunya find them, they take her to the hospital, and Harby hides the accident from Zain.
Na'eem issues orders to have Harby and Zain get rid of Antar and Azzam soon. Harby tries to prevent Zain from taking revenge on Azzam after discovering what happened to Duaa. Amany's father requests to meet Harby.
When Azzam asks Dunya to spy on Zain and Harby, she confesses to them about it. Zain and Harby get rid of Antar and Azzam.
Salah tells Maysa about his plan to avenge Adly. Duaa evades her marriage to Zain. Harby detains Antar and hides from Na'eem that he did not kill him.
Harby buys Azzam's nightclub and hires Dunya to run it. Zain and Harby plan to separate from Na'eem and leave the criminal life behind. Salah asks Maysa to steal documents from Adly's safe.
Amany's father asks Harby to stay away from her once and for all. Harby and Zain tell Adly that they want to separate from Na'eem. Adly discovers that all of Zain and Harby's files have been stolen from his safe.
When Adly discovers Maysa's betrayal, he runs her over with his car. After Na'eem's men kidnap Salah, he works for Na'eem, who assigns him to retrieve the documents from Zain and Harby. Salah deceives Zain and tells him of a previous relationship between Duaa and Azzam.
As Zain attacks Duaa, he accuses Harby of covering up the matter and refuses to believe that Duaa was raped by Azzam. Na'eem's men kill Insharah and Dunya before Duaa, Zain, and Amany get kidnapped.
As Harby hands the documents to Akram, he goes to rescue Zain, Amany, and Duaa with the help of the police. Harby gets shot while with Zain. As Aziz gets rid of Na'eem, Salah takes his place.