Title Content: Series - Taht El-Ard - 2013


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State security officer, Gamal Al-Jabali (Amir Karara) becomes a hired terrorist for an official entity who aims to keep the country in turmoil to stay in power. He falls in love with Tuline (Songul Odin) who suffers from her cruel husband Al-Mahdy(Hatem Ali), the leader of a mafia gang.

A state security officer (Karara) is turned into a emrcenary terrorist by officials benefiting from political unrest. Gaber eventually kills a child and experiences an awakening that is followed by the start of a love story between him and Tolin (Oden), who suffers from a cold marriage from a Mafia family boss. Upon knowing about his wife's infidelity, El Mahdi plans to assassinate Gaber, and a series of unexpected actions unfold.


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A love story between an ex-state security agent turned mercenary terrorist, and the wife of a cold-blooded Mafioso.