Title Content: Movie - Blood - 2012


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Although they try to live up to their former police chief father, Joe and Chrissie commit the ultimate crime, and the fear of being caught out by their police force colleague, Robert, turns their lives into a downward spiral of guilt and doubt.

This thriller tells the story of the moral downfall of a longtime police family. Two brothers, living in the shadow of their former police chief father, end up having to investigate a crime that they committed, turning their lives upside down


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Although they try to realize their job, Joe and Chrissie commit the ultimate crime, and the fear of being caught out by their police force colleague, Robert (Mark Strong), turns their lives into a downward spiral of guilt and paranoia.

This thriller tells the story of the moral downfall of a longtime police family. Two brothers, living in the shadow of their former police chief father, end up having to investigate a crime that they committed, turning their lives upside down