Almost twenty years after their first romantic encounter in Vienna, now the French-American married couple Jesse and Celine are spending a summer vacation in Greece, as they look back at their lives and question their past choices.
We first saw them when they met on that Train twenty years ago, a young couple rambling around Vienna and falling in love. We met them again in Paris, a decade later, after Jesse (Ethan Hawke) has written his book about that night in Vienna. And here we see them another decade later, they're together now, in their early forties and in a long term relationship. Is it how they imagined it would be on that night in Vienna? Or is it the brutal force of reality, that changes everything eventually, as Celine (Julie Delpy) once said in Paris? This is the third part of the trilogy that includes “Before Sunrise” and “Before Sunset,” one of the great love stories sequels made in the independent cinema.