Episodes: Series - Niran Sadeeka - 2013

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode


The group receives an invitation to celebrate Amira and Rafaat's anniversary. A flashback to the 80s reveals how they pulled a prank using a magical book and drops of their blood, mistakenly believing that it will have no consequences. In 2009, the friends come together for the anniversary.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode


Rana's body is discovered. In the 80s, the group continues to use the magical book and discovers that Nihal is dead.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode


When Rana's body disappears, the group struggles to understand what happened. In the 80s, tensions rise between the members of the group as several girls fall for Tarek.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode


As the group is arrested on various charges, they start feeling remorse for what they've done. In the 80s, disgraceful secrets regarding Amira's family are revealed, as Nour, Tarek and Nihal start their career. Rafaat opens a nightclub.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode


Amgad continues reading the cursed book to learn about his family. In a flashback, Rafaat is blackmailed by a garbage man after the latter finds the book, while Medhat breaks off his engagement to Nihal after she confesses her feelings for Tarek.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode


Nihal is imprisoned for 15 days pending investigation as the rest of the group is released. Officer Loay meets up with Nour to get to know his father's past. In the 80s, Medhat arrests Amira's mother but Samra uses the book to break her out.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode


Tarek receives a CD from the blackmailer. In the 80s, Medhat visits Tarek's father who was imprisoned for helping Samra escape. Rafaat is accused of joining a communist organization.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode


The group asks for Nihal's forgiveness. In the 80s, Rafaat is found unconscious in the street. Tarek slips into a coma after Rafaat's father's killer hits him in the head.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode


Rafaat visits his mother at the psychiatric facility but she knows that he came because he is being blackmailed. In the 90s, Samra continues to use the book to her advantage.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode


In 2009, the group discovers that Samra is still alive. Back in the 90s, Tarek finds himself involved in a dark religious world. Nihal and Medhat wed.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode


Yehia is released and accompanies Tarek to ask for Amira's hand. He is shocked to learn that she is Samra's daughter. Tarek decides to marry Amira in secret when Yehia refuses to approve the marriage. Nora gets involved with a powerful and dangerous man.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode


Nihal receives an offer for a huge promotion in Kuwait. Tarek is forced to fly to Afghanistan to meet Osama Bin Laden. It's revealed that Tarek has been working with the authorities to entrap the terrorist organization. Selim denies knowing Tarek when the latter is arrested.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode


Nour convinces Amira to leave Tarek for Rafaat. Amira asks the imprisoned Tarek for a divorce and tries to abort her baby. Nihal offers to take her to Kuwait with her where she can give birth and Nihal can take the baby. Medhat and Nihal get divorced.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode


As Amgad confirms that the dead girl isn't his sister through a DNA test, the group starts to suspect that Nihal is the one sending the CD and trying to blackmail them. In the 90, Amira gives her newborn daughter to Nihal. Amira and Rafaat get married. Nour is kidnapped.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

15th Episode


In the 90s, Nour slips into a coma for a year and gets paralyzed. Medhat discovers a plan to assassinate the president. Yehia dies after apologizing to Amira for mistreating her. Rafaat beats Amira which causes her to fall off the stairs and have a miscarriage.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

16th Episode


As Amgad looks for his biological parents, the group receives a new CD with instructions to kill each other or their blackmailer will reveal their darkest secrets. In the 90s, Amira's father seizes the book from Samra. Tarek and Nihal's relationship is on the rocks.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

17th Episode


Amgad continues reading the magical book to learn about the past. In the 90s, Nour recovers from a successful operation. Tarek gets more involved with a terrorist group. Amira discovers that her father is alive. Nihal looks for Amira's daughter who was put up for adoption.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

18th Episode


Nour and Nihal are assaulted. In the 90s, Selim visits Nihal and informs her that her book will get published. Amira discovers that Rafaat is cheating on her.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

19th Episode


Accusations are flung around as tension rises among the group. In the 90s, Tarek threatens to kill his friends. When Selim sends a counter-terrorism squad to resolve the situation, Tarek's only demand is for him to reveal that Tarkek has been working with the authorities.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

20th Episode


Nour discovers that Amgad found the book. Nihal becomes a successful announcer who is happily married to Qazaf. Amira takes Tarek's confession out of fear that he'll tell Rafaat about their previous marriage.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

21st Episode


Rafaat gets paralyzed and has to use a wheelchair after a terrorist attack. Tarek suffers from a major financial crisis. Nihal's husband discovers that she is cheating on him.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

22nd Episode


Rafaat visits Samra to confirm that she is the one who called him. Tarek suspects that Samra has a hand in what's happening to Amira. Nihal asks Qazaf for a divorce, but he threatens to take her daughter away.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Amgad discovers that he is adopted. Nihal decides to get rid of Qazaf and she tells him she will only save him if he tells her where Rana is.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Qazaf is transferred to the hospital in critical condition. Amira apologizes for what she did to Tarek. Tarek finds Selim's body.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

25th Episode

Tarek informs Medhat that he only got rid of Selim's body, but didn't kill him. Tarek tries to get close to Nour. Amira undergoes surgery to save her father.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Amgad learns his birth parents' identity. Rafaat discovers that Amira is seeing her doctor Bassem. Tarek proposes to Nour.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Nihal regrets what she did to Qazaf. Medhat is tasked with getting Nihal to leave her television show. After Nour decides to retire from acting and don a hijab, she discovers that Tarek tricked her.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

28th Episode

When Medhat catches a boy who works for the mystery person who keeps sending them messages, the description he gives refers them to Nihal. Raafat finds Amgad. Amira confronts Nihal who kidnaps her.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

29th Episode

The group gathers to discuss how to get rid of Nihal. Nihal suggests an idea of a movie to Nour who dislikes the idea. Amira tries to find the book.


  • season 1
  • episode #30

30th Episode

When Qazaf wakes up from his coma, he decides to tell Emad that Amgad is his son. Raafat kills Emad and his wife when they go to see Amgad. Amira finds Amgad's body after he kills himself.
