Title Content: Movie - Can't Buy Me Love - 1987


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In an attempt to change his reputation in school, a nerdy teenager pays a popular girl to be his pretend-girlfriend, all in an attempt to raise his cool factor.

A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.

A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.

A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.


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A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.

A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.

A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.

A marginalized nerd convinces the school's most popular girl to be his girlfriend by offering to pay her a thousand dollars.