A continuation of the first season, as 20 years pass by and the business of No'aman and Mahrous becomes robust. Nasser gets infuriated as Fakhry takes away his authority at work. Kamal, Khalid's son, moves out to a popular neighborhood where he works in car brokerage services.
Kamal tries to reconcile with his mother after he has been summoned to the police station. Nasser and Fakhry exchange threats regarding revealing past events.
Upon learning of Nasser's problem, No'aman acts in opposition to what Fakhry did and entrusts Nasser with his past specialties. No'aman, meanwhile, feels overwhelming sadness since it's the annual commemoration of his son Khalid's death.
Kamal muses on the thought of marrying the wealthy Reem and his mother tries to discourage him due to their different social classes. When Kamal eventually proposes to Reem, his proposal is met with utter rejection from both Reem and her parents.
Radia refuses to disclose to Kamal his father's story. Shahira refuses to marry Fareed because she doesn't love him. Nadia's daughter asks Mahrous to help Fawzia travel abroad for treatment.
Mahrous looks for a new marketing expert for the company. So'aad tries to push Shahira to marry Fareed. Kamal tracks Reem to the club.
Fareed and Fakhry devise a plan to sell another showroom. No'aman has a heart attack. Mahrous's sons notice the symptoms of Alzheimer's on their father. Nasser finds out that Fakhry is an embezzler.
Nasser confronts Fakhry with his embezzlement and fraud, and the latter offers him money in exchange for his silence. Hanaa gets into an argument with the TV presenter that hosted an imposter. No'aman refuses to wed Mona to Samir. Kamal continues watching Reem.
Rakia and So'aad discuss with their father their wish to have Mahrous disinherited. Reem and Kamal have a heated argument. Upon learning that Kholoud had an abortion, an enraged Nader divorces her.
Kamal gets into trouble as he assaults Reem's brother and an arrest warrant is issued against him. Sameer considers murdering his father, and he takes this thought a step further.
It turns out that Sameer's unconscious has played tricks on him; killing his father was merely a dream. Mahrous's Alzheimer's gets worse. Fawzia's nephews buy her a car. Kamal's victim asks for a million-pounds compensation.
No'aman rejoices at seeing Radia after the long years of separation and he tries to help her with her son's issue. Kholoud's parents try to reconcile her and her husband, and the husband demands she leave work if he is to take her back.
Kamal is released as No'aman pays the million pounds and the case is dropped. Mahrous proposes to Abeer.
Kamal gets out of prison and asks his mother how she managed to get him out. No'aman returns to Cairo. Abeer accepts to marry Mahrous and incites him against his son.
No'aman meets his grandson Kamal and recounts to him the story of how they got separated; he suggests Kamal returns with him to Damietta. Radia comes to grips with Khalid's past anger and his accusation of her.
News of No'aman finding Kamal and Radia and bringing them back with him drops like a bombshell. Nasser starts blackmailing Fakhry for what he did with Ramy. Mahrous' granddaughter learns he has Alzheimer's.
Abeer marries Mahrous and makes use of his illness as she swindles him out of money. Kamal starts working at his grandfather's factory.
Kholoud learns that Nader stole her designs. Ramy learns why he was fired. Mahrous's children try to bring their father back to his senses before it's too late.
Shahira refuses to marry Fareed. Kamal tries to come up with ideas to revive his grandfather's business. No'aman goes with Kamal to propose to Reem. Mahrous's children file an interdiction lawsuit against him.
Mahrous's children refuse to drop the case. Hanaa has a test as she applies to present a new show. Shahira acquiesces to No'aman's desire and marries Fareed.
Hanaa lands the job and when she becomes a presenter, she opens the gates of hell on Makhlouf the imposter who reports her to the public prosecutor. No'aman reveals that he had written part of his fortune over to Khalid, and it is now Kamal's.
When Rakia and So'aad raise unfounded suspicions regarding Kamal's lineage, No'aman disowns them. Kamal is heavy-hearted to learn what his aunts have said about him.
Kamal confronts his aunts to preserve his mother's dignity and honor, and he decides to have a DNA test. Everyone is shocked that the result is negative. Fawzia manages to get the administration to acknowledge her nephew a manager to the factory.
Following the shocking DNA result, Rakia and So'aad kick Kamal and Radia out. No'aman has a stroke. Upon learning of the latest updates, Reem breaks off her engagement with Kamal. It turns out that the doctor who has run the test was bribed into forging the result.
Kamal marries Toha customary marriage. Kholoud confronts her mother about the forgery, and the latter locks her up at the house, preventing her from going out.
Kholoud gets back with her ex-husband Nader who apologizes to her for stealing the designs. Hanaa tries to persuade Kamal to re-run the test.
Hanaa is sentenced to six months of imprisonment. In a desperate attempt to postpone her marriage, Shahira deliberately fails her exams. Qassem and Sameer win the case against their father.
When they learn that Abeer has taken over their father's largest exhibition, Qassem and Sameer futilely try to get it back. Kamal visits his mother at the hospital.
Hanaa investigates more about Kamal's DNA test. So'aad learns that Nasser has a second wife. Sameer is sentenced to two years in prison.
So'aad confronts Nasser about his second wife. Fakhry and his son vow revenge. Salem changes his mind regarding marrying Marwa.
Qassem throws his nephew out of the house. No'aman forces Shaira to marry Fareed. At prison, Sameer strikes a deal with the prison browbeater; the latter shall protect Sameer in exchange for money and food.
A slip of the tongue reveals the truth about the DNA test, as Nasser divorces So'aad and starts his own business.
Everyone rejoices in anticipation of Shahira and Fareed's wedding, except for Shahira who commits suicide but is miraculously saved. No'aman asks Fareed to divorce Shahira. Hanaa resumes her attempts to learn why her father fired Ramy.
Hanaa tries to convince her grandfather there is something suspicious about the test results. No'aman takes his business to Cairo. Abeer tells Qassem she married his father.
Qassem tries to find a way out of their dilemma with Abeer. Nasser learns he has a certain deformity that proves he cannot have children, and hence Hanaa is not his daughter. Sa'ied visits Fawzia and decides to advocate for Sameer.
Hamed discloses Kamal's secret about his lineage. It turns out that Sa'ied is the one who reported Sameer. Nasser decides to reveal So'aad's betrayal. Kamal disowns his mother.
Hanaa collapses upon learning that she is not Nasser's daughter. Kamal, meanwhile, leaves the neighborhood for he cannot take the constant abuse and defamation of his family. Hanaa suspects that her mother was raped.
Hanaa gathers the family members to reveal to them the deceit of imposter Makhlouf who got her mother pregnant. She takes the revelation a step further as she presents it on TV to expose him and clear her mother's name.
Kamal eventually succumbs to Hanaa's wishes and retakes the test, which proves that Khalid is indeed his father. So'aad confesses that she plotted with Fakhry and Rakia to forge the initial test results.
Kamal's lineage to No'aman's family is doubtlessly affirmed. Kamal and Radia return to No'aman's house, while Fakhry, Radia, and Fareed are disinherited and thrown out.