Title Content: Series - Nazareyet el Gawafa - 2013


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This comedy looks at the January 25 revolution through the eyes of a psychiatrist who begins to notice that the patients coming to her clinic have more and more psychological problems connected to the revolution and what's happening in Egyptian society.

This comedy looks at the January 25 revolution through the eyes of a psychiatrist (Elham Shaheen) who begins to notice that the patients attending her clinic are becoming more and more psychologically affected and connected to what's happening in Egyptian society following the revolution.


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This comedy looks at the January 25 revolution through the eyes of a psychiatrist (Elham Shaheen) who begins to notice that the patients coming to her clinic have more and more psychological problems connected to the revolution and what's happening in Egyptian society.

This comedy looks at the January 25 revolution through the eyes of a psychiatrist (Elham Shaheen) who begins to notice that the patients attending her clinic are becoming more and more psychologically affected and connected to what's happening in Egyptian society following the revolution.