This comedic series revolves around Mehrez (Saad El Saghir), a young man who works as a hair stylist. His greatest desire is to have an apartment with three rooms and a large salon. When his uncle...Read more dies, he leaves Mehrez with a huge inheritance including a fancy villa, and Mehrez believes he is finally getting what he always wanted. But it is not long before he finds himself in the midst of all kinds of trouble.
This comedic series revolves around Mehrez (Saad El Saghir), a young man who works as a hair stylist. His greatest desire is to have an apartment with three rooms and a large...Read more salon. When his uncle dies, he leaves Mehrez with a huge inheritance including a fancy villa, and Mehrez believes he is finally getting what he always wanted. But it is not long before he finds himself in the midst of all kinds of trouble.