This comedy series revolves around Ruqayya, an Egyptian professor (Suheir El-Bably) who spent much of her life living in Canada. After her husband dies she decides to return to Egypt, but she is soon...Read more bored and decides to convert her house into a home for female expatriates. As Ruquyya gets to know the the young women, she is shocked to find that there have been many social and cultural changes in Egypt since she left. So she tries to help them by teaching them manners and improving their values, but she faces many obstacles in the process.
This comedy series revolves around Ruqayya, an Egyptian professor (Suheir El-Bably) who spent much of her life living in Canada. After her husband dies she decides to return to...Read more Egypt, but she is soon bored and decides to convert her house into a home for female expatriates. As Ruquyya gets to know the the young women, she is shocked to find that there have been many social and cultural changes in Egypt since she left. So she tries to help them by teaching them manners and improving their values, but she faces many obstacles in the process.