Title Content: Series - The Good Wife S5 - 2013


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The fifth season of the American television legal and political drama. Besides worrying about her imminent departure, Alicia just became First Lady of Illinois and must try saving a man on death row. As always, she still has to buy orange juice for her kids.

Alicia Florrick has always been a good wife to her husband, a former state attorney. She must pick up the pieces, however, in the aftermath of his very public sex and corruption scandals. With him now behind bars, Alicia has to find out what it means to be a wife at this point, and how to steer her family towards a secure future.


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The fifth season of the American television legal and political drama. Besides worrying about her imminent departure, Alicia just became First Lady of Illinois and must try saving a man on death row. As always, she still has to buy orange juice for her kids.