Set in the city of Elmore, where the 12-year-old cat Gumball engages in many adventures with the help of his dear friend Darwin, his pet goldfish that has grown legs and became a member of the...Read more Watterson family.
Gumball and Darwin unintentionally ruin a rented DVD, so they try to fix the situation to escape punishment.
Favourite Network Arabic Channel | Tuesday 28 January | 12:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Network Arabic Channel | Tuesday 28 January | 12:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Network Arabic Channel | Wednesday 29 January | 12:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Network Arabic Channel | Wednesday 29 January | 12:00 PM | Reminder |
Set in the city of Elmore, where the 12-year-old cat Gumball engages in many adventures with the help of his dear friend Darwin, his pet goldfish that has grown legs and became a...Read more member of the Watterson family.