The Driller Killer  (1979)  القاتل بمثقاب الحائط

  • Movie
  • US
  • 90 minutes
  • Released
    • MPAA
    • R

An artist slowly goes insane while struggling to pay his bills, and work on his paintings. He takes to the streets of New York after dark and randomly kills derelicts with a power drill.

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An artist slowly goes insane while struggling to pay his bills, and work on his paintings. He takes to the streets of New York after dark and randomly kills derelicts with a power...Read more drill.


  • Category:
  • Movie

  • Censorship:
    • MPAA
    • R

  • Country:
  • US

  • Is this a coloured title?:
  • Yes

  • Made with onyl $20,000.

  • Many cut versions of the movie still exist, which show scenes of drilling into heads and abdomens...Read more blacked-out. The uncut version of the movie cuts to a black screen during the scene in which Dalton is murdered, as well as during the end scene in which Reno hides under Carol's bed covers. Instead of a black screen, the British BBFC 18 version cuts to a red screen during these two scenes.
  • Banned in the UK until 1999.

  • Abel Ferrara claims that half of this movie was shot in 1978 and the other half was shot in 1979....Read more This explains why the actors hair styles and looks in general change quite frequently during the movie.
