The series follows the comedic situations that happen to a group of people who live with their families in a local neighborhood, including Rashid who wants to marry another woman since his wife Amna...Read more is barren, and their widowed neighbor Tarish who wants to wed Safy to rejuvenate his youth.
As Rashid participates with his friends in the sport of bullfighting, his bull wins every time, while Falih is upset about his loss. Ibrahim and his brother Hamid want to become famous artists in town, but their uncle Rashid rejects the idea. Amna turns to a charlatan to help her have kids.
The series follows the comedic situations that happen to a group of people who live with their families in a local neighborhood, including Rashid who wants to marry another woman...Read more since his wife Amna is barren, and their widowed neighbor Tarish who wants to wed Safy to rejuvenate his youth.