Title Content: Movie - Thunder and the House of Magic - 2013


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Abandoned and in distress due to a storm, the young cat Thunder finds shelter in the house of a kindly magician. Despite some tension as some of the magician's assistants oppose Thunder's presence, they all come to an understanding when the magician's nephew threatens their home.

An abandoned young cat named Thunder enters the strangest house imaginable, seeking shelter from a storm. But not all the residents of the house welcome him, as Jack Rabbit and Maggie Mouse plan to oust him.


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An abandoned young cat named Thunder enters the strangest house imaginable, seeking shelter from a storm. But not all the residents of the house welcome him, as Jack Rabbit and Maggie Mouse plan to oust him.

An abandoned young cat named Thunder enters the strangest house imaginable, seeking shelter from a storm. But not all the residents of the house welcome him, as Jack Rabbit and Maggie Mouse plan to oust him.