Episodes: Series - Cartoon - Super Heneidy 3 - 2014

  • season 3
  • episode #1

The World's Superheroes Are in Danger

As the superheroes visit Egypt, they contact Super Heneidy to meet them, after which they are kidnapped by unknown people. Super Heneidy's plan to liberate the heroes succeeds and they return to their country safely.


  • season 3
  • episode #2

Zamalek Is Coming, People

After Zamalek loses its match against the African Renaissance Dam team, the club’s board of directors decides to use Super Heneidy for training. Heneidy gathers an unknown team to beat the Renaissance Dam club with a big score.


  • season 3
  • episode #3

Student Strike, Uncle Hamza

As the news spreads of a middle school students' strike due to the difficulty of exam questions, the school principal uses Super Heneidy to solve the problem. Heneidy goes to the minister to present the problem.


  • season 3
  • episode #4

Somali Pirates, Operation Cotton

Super Heneidy is asked to guard a shipment of cotton from Somali pirates, after which he is kidnapped and the shipment is seized. Heneidy meets a colonel who is hiding among the pirates, and he succeeds in capturing them and handing them over to the authorities.


  • season 3
  • episode #5

Back to the Future, the Egyptian Version

As Super Heneidy meets a time traveler, who came to them from the future, he is surprised by the future of the world and intends to try the time travel device.


  • season 3
  • episode #6

Balcony in the Pyramid of King Khufu

As Super Heneidy insists on trying the time travel device, he and his grandfather travel through time and find themselves in the Pharaonic era. Heneidy is adamant that he stays to know the secret of building the pyramids.


  • season 3
  • episode #7

Watch Out, Heneidy Is Backing Up

Heneidy's adventure continues, and they move through time and find themselves in the pre-Islamic era, and they are forced to use the device to save their lives, so they move to the '80s and the time of the Harafish. He also discovers the control of electronic devices over human lives in the future.


  • season 3
  • episode #8

Stars in the Sky Pt.1

Singers of the Arab world gather to travel to Palestine to record the song "El Helm Al Araby" in solidarity with the martyrs from all over the Arab world. Super Heneidy and Amy go to buy jewelry to complete their marriage project.


  • season 3
  • episode #9

Stars in the Sky Pt.2

While Amy's mother stipulates that expensive wedding jewelry be purchased, Heneidy is surprised by a call from Amr Diab to ask him for help, given that the singers' delegation was kidnapped by unknown people. Heneidy succeeds in freeing the hostages, and the song "El Helm Al Araby" is recorded.


  • season 3
  • episode #10

Get Me Two Super Heneidys

When Super Heneidy reads that he's a beggar in the Hanakish newspaper, he goes to the editor-in-chief, who refuses to believe his story that someone is impersonating him. Heneidy succeeds in handing over the impersonator to the police.


  • season 3
  • episode #11

The Library of Alexandria Is in Danger

After Heneidy receives a call asking for help to discover the identity of the thief of rare manuscripts from the Library of Alexandria, he follows the evidence at the crime scene and discovers an international gang using monkeys to steal manuscripts, so he hands them over to the police.


  • season 3
  • episode #12

Garbage Giant Pt.1

When the sanitation workers go on strike, garbage piles up in the streets day after day, while Super Heneidy is searching for a solution to the problem of rubbish accumulation in the streets and the need to educate citizens.


  • season 3
  • episode #13

Garbage Giant Pt.2

Everyone is surprised by the appearance of a strange creature called Garbage Creature, whom Super Heneidy discovers has killed humans, so Heneidy meets with his team to try to get rid of it, and he succeeds in burning it.


  • season 3
  • episode #14

Someone, Catch Kazem Pt.1

As the episode of The Voice is postponed due to the disappearance of Kadim Al Sahir's seat, Heneidy receives a call asking for help in finding the stolen seat. Heneidy is still suffering from the control of Amy's mother over their relationship.


  • season 3
  • episode #15

Someone, Catch Kazem Pt.2- Finale

Heneidy agrees to help, so he travels to Beirut to investigate the robbery. He discovers that Abu Samia has stolen the seat to gift it to his son Ellol, out of fear that he has superpowers that affect the planet, so he succeeds in persuading him to return the seat.
