Title Content: Series - Geddo we Welad Bento - 2014


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This series revolves around Grandpa Asfour (Hassan Hosny) who lives with his grandchildren and attempts to do everything he can to help them to overcome the issues they face in everyday life.

This series revolves around Grandpa Asfour (Hassan Hosny) who lives with his grandchildren and attempts to do everything he can to help them to overcome the issues they face in everyday life.


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This series revolves around Grandpa Asfour (Hassan Hosny) who lives with his grandchildren and attempts to do everything he can to help them to overcome the issues they face in everyday life.

This series revolves around Grandpa Asfour (Hassan Hosny) who lives with his grandchildren and attempts to do everything he can to help them to overcome the issues they face in everyday life.