No One Knows About Persian Cats  (2009)  Kasi az gorbehaye irani khabar nadareh

  • Movie
  • US
  • 106 minutes
  • Released
    • MPAA
    • Unrated

Frustrated by the ban their country puts on music, Negar and Ashkan struggle to put together a band on the down-low. As they reach the end of their rope with the restrictions that Iran imposes on...Read more them, they enlist the help of a fixer to get them visas to escape to Europe, where they have a gig planned.

  • VOD Guide:


  [1 photo]



Frustrated by the ban their country puts on music, Negar and Ashkan struggle to put together a band on the down-low. As they reach the end of their rope with the restrictions that...Read more Iran imposes on them, they enlist the help of a fixer to get them visas to escape to Europe, where they have a gig planned.


  • Category:
  • Movie

  • Censorship:
    • MPAA
    • Unrated

  • Country:
  • US

  • Is this a coloured title?:
  • Yes
