Following the comedic situations of Hanzala Abu Rehana, his refusal to marry off his daughter, his exposure to theft, and the prince's visit to him after learning that he owns a talking mule and...Read more decides to appoint Hanzala as a judge, but the latter's accusation of theft turns his life head over heels.
The beautiful Hanzala's daughter, Rehana, wishes to marry, but her father refuses. When a rich suitor asks for Rehana's hand, Hanzala refuses. After thieves attack Hanzala's house and steal a goat and some other things, the chief of police blames him for not looking after his house.
Following the comedic situations of Hanzala Abu Rehana, his refusal to marry off his daughter, his exposure to theft, and the prince's visit to him after learning that he owns a...Read more talking mule and decides to appoint Hanzala as a judge, but the latter's accusation of theft turns his life head over heels.