As a producer asks a screenwriter to feature Arab stars from different Arab countries in a new Syrian series, the screenwriter has reservations about the producer's request, but he changes the story to include many stars from different Arab countries.
When a man feels exasperated by the overflowing sewage pipes in his house and the neighboring houses, he goes down himself to check the sewage pipes, where he ends up in front of the terrorist group ISIS, which captures him and prepares him for an operation.
As the electricity keeps getting cut off in the street except the pharmacy, everyone suspects that the pharmacist is supported by important people, whereupon he takes advantage of the matter and turns the pharmacy into a café.
A man decides to immigrate to Germany after his constant suffering and his inability to earn money or have a good job; however, when he arrives in Germany, he discovers that there is more corruption there than in his homeland, so he returns home.
A man insists on going to work despite the bad conditions, as bombs hit his neighborhood in a crossfire. The man goes to work, against the advice of his neighbors, only to find his workplace destroyed.
People gather inside a bus that has onboard a groom who wants to go to his wedding, but the police hold up the bus for an emergency, so the wedding ends up being held inside the bus.
The manager sees an employee of his at work and makes a sign for him with his hand, upon which the employee loses his head and goes to a sheikh and a charlatan to tell him the meaning of the sign.
A husband suggests to his wife to look for additional work for them. As they finally find the right jobs, it is revealed that their job-hunting was in order to pay the salary of their maid who gets paid in dollars.
The wife of a senior government official goes regularly to the hairdresser's, where she befriends the other women one after the other, after which the lady asks her husband to appoint the husbands of her friends at the hairdresser's in government positions.
A man who was sitting with his friends goes crazy after his wife tells him that the shoes he's wearing are not his, so he decides to look for the owner of the shoes and return them to him, after which he finally finds him.
As the police raid the house of a weapons smuggler, he escapes through the other door, and his friend advises him to go to a very distinguished lawyer, who instructs him to turn himself in to the police, upon which he gets him acquitted.
When a man is summoned to serve in the army, his friend advises him to obtain a forged death certificate for himself in order to get out of trouble and even receive a pension after his death.
A man suggests to his friend to kidnap an old woman and ask for a ransom from her children, whom they hate and are unwilling to pay the ransom, so the two friends treat her as their mother.
As a woman suffers from a skin problem, she goes to a dermatologist, who has everything she needs for treating all diseases and for all purposes. When the woman's husband falls ill due to his wife's constant requests and dies, she marries the dermatologist.
Two sisters deliberately cause each other constant trouble, and when a man leaves a baby at the sisters' door for them to find, they take care of him, and he changes their lives forever.
The government announces an end to the Syrian crisis and tells the citizens that the electricity and water will return back to normal; however, a man decides to cut off his family's electricity supply on a daily basis and treats them as if the crisis hasn't ended.
The members of a terrorist group stalk a man in the street on a daily basis, after which they tell him to change his clothes, wear a thawb, and not shave his beard or cut his hair to join them.
The traffic officer pulls over a writer for talking on the phone and gives him a choice between getting a ticket or paying a bribe. The writer refuses to pay the bribe and gets a ticket.
After a man gives his poor friend clothes to wear, the rich man teases his friend in front of their friends about the clothes he gave him, so the poor man takes off the clothes in anger, and throws them in his friend's face.
An employee working in the electric company and another working in the gas depot fall in love with a girl in the area. The girl is torn between the two men, but as she chooses the man who works in the gas depot, the other man decides to cut off the electricity within the entire area.
A man and his friend build a house on the Syrian-Lebanese border. As the two men go to the mayor's house to complain, he tells them that they have to talk to the mayor in the other country because their house is located between two countries.
A man is very attached to his uncle, who always appears to him in his dreams. The man decides not to make any decision in his life without consulting his uncle, so he sleeps to dream every night about his uncle telling him what to do.
As a man falls ill, the doctor tells his wife that her husband needs a psychiatrist, who assures her of his insanity. Eventually, the wife discovers that her husband is lying so that everyone doesn't know that he's sane and he doesn't go to jail for his misdeeds.
A presenter has a senior official in the Transportation Authority as a guest, and as she asks the official about the drivers and the reason for the increase in the fare, he tells her that the citizens have the right to throw whoever does this to them in jail without hesitation.
A girl is troubled by her mother's overprotection of her. The mother causes the girl to fear everything around her, which leads the girl to fail to get a job.
As a man asks a realtor to find him an apartment, he tells him about an apartment in an area where there were explosions two months ago, but the man goes to another area where there were explosions a year ago, after which he quarrels with the realtor.
Occupying groups gain control of a number of the area's streets, which they give strange names. A man sends a request to the group leader that inhabits his street, asking his permission for his family to visit him after his son's circumcision.
As a man goes to his neighbor's, thinking that there is a terrorist cell in the building after hearing strange sounds, he discovers that the sound he heard is nothing but a parrot repeating what its owner is saying.
The people of the area anticipate an airstrike from the West, so all the men and women suspend their work while waiting for the airstrike, which eventually does not happen and people’s affairs are disrupted.
The people of the area gather to prepare themselves to see Santa Claus, who has not visited them for a long time, after which they go to celebrate with him, and wish him a happy holiday, then Santa Claus cries after being deeply moved by the surprise.