The media woman Gulnar speaks about seven people who embody corruption and bad qualities. She makes a bet with her friend, the director, that she can bring them in and teach them a lesson. She speaks briefly about each of them.
The journalist Mas'oud Ass'ad receives photos and reports about a bad weapons deal. He also gets bribed to expose some merchants. Gulnar explains the relationship between Harby and the actress Lola.
Rafe'e is upset that Harby is involved with his ex-wife Lola. Daher tells his secretary that he agreed to an interview with Gulnar. Kan'an accepts a bribe to ghostwrite poems for someone.
Basir tells Mas'oud that someone tried to kill him and that he caught his would-be killer. Gulnar interviews Daher. Lola tells Anwar that she is going to wed Harby soon.
Rafe'e deceives Anwar by claiming that he had an AIDS patient seduce Harby so that he and Lola could contract the disease. Anwar panics because he is having an affair with Lola. Kan'an meets the journalist Amwag. Gulnar reveals that Daher is controlling the phone lines during the interview.
Harby suggests that Basir use his knowledge of astrology to have a show for celebrity forecasts. Anwar tells Harby that Rafe'e put a girl afflicted with AIDS in his way to take revenge on him for being involved with Lola.
Harby starts looking for the girl he slept with. Anwar enlists the spiritualist Basir's help. Gulnar tells the story of how she met Gamal through her show.
Rafe'e agrees with the girl Jassy to meet Mas'oud so that he could take revenge on him too. Mas'oud is threatened not to publish anything about the arms deal. Anwar tells Rafe'e that he is going to inform Lola about what happened with Harby and Jassy.
Ghada tells Dr. Gamal that she thinks she is pregnant. Anwar asks Lola to get tested for AIDS, but Lola doesn't take it seriously.
Harby and Daher make a new deal to lend the government money from his bank. Gulnar reveals how Basir gathers information about his clients before he meets them.
Gulnar interviews the spiritualist Basir. Ghada confirms that she is pregnant. Lola tells Anwar to stay away from her.
When Basir tells Niran that she is possessed by a Jin that he is going to exorcise, she hits him and leaves. Daher is advised to postpone the elections to prevent his currently-assured loss.
Gamal and Ghada agree to abort the baby. As Lola finds out about Harby's cheating, she confirms that he didn't wear protection when he was with his mistress.
Rafe'e is surprised when he finds Lola in Anwar's clinic. Lola tells him about Harby's cheating. Kan'an is furious after an article accusing him of stealing poems is published.
Kan'an decides to sue the newspaper that accused him of theft. Harby enlists Mas'oud's help to embroil one of the bank's employees in a scandal so that he could fire him. Lola disappears and Anwar looks for her.
The student Dalal tries to seduce Dr. Gamal. Anwar tells Rafe'e to stay away from Lola. Harby gets tested for STDs.
Gulnar reveals the relationship between Harby and Jassy, and how the former got Jassy to pretend to have AIDS in order to get rid of Lola and Rafe'e. Dalal visits Dr. Gamal at home.
Jassy tells Rafe'e that Harby asked her to get tested for AIDS. Harby enlists the service of the spiritualist Basir. Anwar asks Lola to stay with him for a while.
Gulnar recounts her interview with Mas'oud and how she exposed him. Lola splits from Harby and moves in with Anwar.
Anwar confesses his love for Lola. Rafe'e asks Basir to help him reconcile with Lola. The journalist Amwag refuses to hold off on publishing the rest of the articles about Kan'an, and reveals that he stole the poems from a simple girl who submitted them to him.
Mas'oud gives Seif all the documents pertaining to the arms deal. Lola agrees to reconcile with Harby but sets an impossible condition for it to happen.
Daher tries to reach a deal with his opponent in the elections. Gulnar recounts her interview with the poet Kan'an. Ghada suspects that Gamal and Dalal are having an affair.
Rafe'e tells Anwar that Lola wants to go back to him. Mas'oud barely survives an assassination attempt. Basir advises Rafe'e to stay away from Lola.
The Leader asks Basir to control the fate of his favorite football club. Gulnar recounts her interview with Harby and reveals all his secrets. Mas'oud is shocked when he learns that Jassy has AIDS.
Basir pulls out all the stops to fullfill the Leader's wish. Harby assures Mas'oud that Jassy doesn't have AIDS.
After Lola quarrels with Rafe'e after Anwar reveals his deceit, she kicks him out of the house. As the Leader's wish comes true, he releases the terrified Basir.
Harby invites Mas'oud and Basir to dinner. Gamal blackmails his colleague, Dr. Samhiry, using a record of his affair with Dalal. Harby tells Rafe'e that he cut ties with Lola.
Ghada advises Gamal to leave Dalal because she has tapes of their encounters. Jassy confesses her love for Rafe'e and tells Anwar that she was raped at one of Harby's parties.
Anwar is shocked when he discovers that Jassy does have AIDS. Gulnar invites the seven men to a party on her boat.
Gulnar receives the seven men on her boat. In the morning, the police find their drowned bodies and the tests show that they had drugs in their bloodstream. Gulnar's body is discovered on the beach.