A social drama series that depicts many of the Gulf social issues through the story of Bou Sultan, who wishes that he had children, which makes him marry more than one woman in order to fulfill his...Read more dream. But his plan backfires when the wives conspire against him, and he gets lost among their pranks.
Umm Bou Sultan (Bou Sultan's mother) tries to persuade her son to marry another woman who can give him children, after marrying Maryam for six years without having children. After he marries Nadia, Maryam leaves the house and insists on not returning.
A social drama series that depicts many of the Gulf social issues through the story of Bou Sultan, who wishes that he had children, which makes him marry more than one woman in...Read more order to fulfill his dream. But his plan backfires when the wives conspire against him, and he gets lost among their pranks.