The story of Kimo, who lives with his depressing mother-in-law and his two university daughters Sarah and Sabine, and their lives are full of arguments, while his friend Berber tries to find solutions...Read more to his problems.
When Kimo discovers that his mother-in-law Sonia is carrying out Umm Naim's plans by preparing bad food for him and making him unable to sleep, he, Abu Saeed (Saeed's father), and Berber disguise themselves as women, turn off the lights, and beat Sonia and Umm Munir (Munir's mother) with a stick.
The story of Kimo, who lives with his depressing mother-in-law and his two university daughters Sarah and Sabine, and their lives are full of arguments, while his friend Berber...Read more tries to find solutions to his problems.