The series revolves around a teacher called (Amira) working in an international school, who gets harassed by a student, and in her pursuit for her right, she becomes the offender instead of the...Read more victim.
Amira is a PE teacher. Salim Al-Khawaja is a very wealthy businessman, who has a wife and a teenage son named Asim. Nader is an attorney who manages to get Amira a divorce.
Favourite MBC MASR 2 Channel | Wednesday 10 November | 02:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC MASR 2 Channel | Wednesday 10 November | 09:50 AM | Reminder |
The series revolves around a teacher called (Amira) working in an international school, who gets harassed by a student, and in her pursuit for her right, she becomes the offender...Read more instead of the victim.