Raafat is irritated because the gynecological clinic took too long to examine Nada, and the doctor asks him to provide her a secure place to recover after the abortion. He decides to correct the mistake and marries her. Sweety replaces Joriya and Masa at the nightclub and asks for immigration assistance.
Malik and his friend Tawfiq remember their dream of creating a water amusement park and how they suffered for a long time after an extended series of obstacles and complications in the procedures and did not succeed in achieving their dream.
Madeline lives with her son Jad and wants Riad, his friend, to work at her company. She tells him that she loves him. An injured person is in pain and doesn't know where he is, but someone encourages him to think. Abu Saeed tries hard to impress Abu Wael so he can be his driver and improve his life.
On his wedding night, Sameh leaves, and Rana tells her mother that she does not want to marry him because he is avoiding her. Jamal wants to marry a gorgeous girl, but she ignores him, and later, she regrets losing the chance. Sweety tells Masa that her husband used to sing with her in the evenings, and after his death, she worked in cabarets.
Malik sits with Tawfiq in a public park and they remember their dream of creating a public park project and conducting feasibility studies for it, but no one paid attention to them and the idea failed.
Diabetic Bassam monitors his sister and puts a listening device in her room, suspicious of her conduct. He thinks there is a strange man and kills his father accidentally. Nana, Sweetie's dancer coworker, thinks she's cheap and everyone wants her if they have money, so she refuses to be bought and sold.
Samar suffers from her husband, Dr. Kamal, because of his late nights outside, and he claims that she is taking medication and has a psychological illness. Reda and Mazen go to meet a girl in the park. He waits for her for a long time. Every girl who enters the park imagines that it is her, and he gets beaten.
Ammar's disregard of his wife causes marital problems. He reminds her of her previous relationship, escalating their arguments. A local rooster crowing loudly was slaughtered and eaten, and 500 more roosters arise. A girl meets a young man on Facebook and waits for him at a park where he never arrives.
A young man steals his father's property and his father forces him to sleep under the bridge. A young actress must make sacrifices for an acting audition. A dancer in a cabaret thinks a young man loves her. Her colleague says any young man who sees her will covet her and will lie to her.
A tense relationship occurs between the two friends, Abeer and Rasha, due to Rasha entering into a relationship with Osama, Abeer’s fiancé. Sweety remembers her old love memories in school before she became a dancer in the cabaret.
Kamel, who works in a café, meets Nancy and her friend, who went to meet a young man she met on Facebook and who liked her. Widyan, one of the nightclub dancers, undergoes plastic surgery so that she can work there and get money.
Political unrest in his country prevented Ahmed from returning to his village for two years. His friend and girlfriend stop him from taking a risk. After learning his family was slaughtered, he becomes desperate and waits for death. Two men are kidnapped from the street, imprisoned, and tortured without trial.
A young author suffers with artistic production companies and they refuse what he writes. The company asks him to Arabize a Turkish series to suit a new artist, and he is forced to agree and submit to their request under the slogan that the end justifies the means.
Dana recalls troubled birthdays when she loved Samer, who ignored her, and rejected Fadi, who loved her. One man tells another the story of the king, the minister, and the measures of fate that saved the king from death. A dancer's daughter accidentally takes a prescription and gets poisoned.
A young man is driving his car and trying to get a girl from the street to spend a red night with him. A girl rides with him, tricks him, takes a large sum of money from him, and runs away from him.
After years, a girl rejects all young men who propose to her and decides to choose her own husband, but everyone rejects her options. A young man wants to go to Argentina to get rich fast and guarantee his future. A cabaret dancer neglects her health and suffers extreme pain.
Amr is autistic and plays music well, and his neighbor Laura loves him. However, his brother Walid is jealous of him because of his mother's obsession with him, and Laura wants him to propose. Sweety tells her colleague about her mother's struggles with her father.
A young man hesitates to approach girls, so his friend brings one home. His cousin arrives, the plumber clears the drain, and everyone waits for the girl. The cabaret owner is considering firing Sweety and her coworker since clients are bored with them and want new ones.
A fleeting encounter occurs at a traffic light between a group of people and each one of them looks at the other. Sweety and her friend Nana agree to their employer's illegal demands so they can get a job in the cabaret.
The heroine of the work helps a buffet worker in a location shoot get a chance to act, but he is disappointed and misses his chance of acting. Sweety and her colleague are worried that they will be accused of a murder in the cabaret, and everyone will suspect them because of the nature of their work.
A passing encounter takes place on the street between a young man waiting for his fiancée and a girl waiting for her fiancé. A group of young men and women sit in a café and decide to play the game of honesty, which leads to revealing each one’s opinion of the other.
A woman enters a psychological state and denies reality after the death of her husband, and she sits waiting for his return, rejecting the idea of his death. Tim and Yasmine always have different viewpoints and the difficulty of completing their life's journey together.
Reem is waiting for a young man in a public park. She meets an old man and tells her that he comes to the place every year to remember the first girl he loved in his life, who suddenly disappeared years ago.
A family is waiting for a young man to propose to their daughter online, but political circumstances cut the connection, and returns after a long time. The cabaret owner decides to reduce Sweety and Nana's wages out of greed and exploitation of their circumstances.
Arwa is bored and neglected by her fiancé, Iyad, so she becomes attached to the driver, Hossam, who works for him. Nana buys a new cell phone at a high price because of the illusion of technology that everyone tries to own.
Rima breaks up with Khaled despite his attachment to her because he is a weak person and always uses his emotions and not his reason. He lives in a state of loss and continues to pursue her, but she is determined not to be with him and he really changes.
Wafa suddenly disappears from his shop, and his close friend is sad and confused about the reason and place of his disappearance. As for Sweety, her sisters seize her inheritance, Nana's stepmother seizes her inheritance, and they were forced to work in a cabaret.
A young man struggles to get a job after graduating and works in a café. He tells a story to an old man in the café after a misunderstanding, as if everyone is looking for an excuse to express themselves. Sweety buys a cat for a large sum of money to have fun, but Nana gets angry with her.
A girl is waiting to meet her lover, who has traveled abroad for work to secure his future, and she spends her whole life waiting. Sweety wants to learn and have more information, but Nana tells her that there is no benefit from what she is doing.
Wissam feels that Ahmed is belittling her feelings and asks for a divorce because she feels that their marriage attempt has failed and also because of their difference in religion. Dancer Mimi tries to have an abortion because her husband does not bear responsibility.
Cafeteria worker Shadi wonders what the lonely girl's secret is. She tells him her lover vanished and lied. Shadi asks to be with her but she insults and belittles him. Nana is saddened by her husband's oppression. She should have thought well before making any decision in her life.
Nana suffers from her husband's bad treatment, so Sweety advises her after he goes to prison to file a divorce case against him. Singer Yasmine feels something strange that makes Ragheed, Labib's brother, try to separate them. Sweety's friend dies in an accident, and she becomes sad and realizes that life is short.