The Congressman  (2016)  عضو الكونجرس

  • Movie
  • US
  • 98 minutes
  • Released
    • MPAA
    • R

Congressman Charlie Winship seems to be having the worst day of his life when he fails to recite the pledge of allegiance, quarrels with his wife and knocks out a House member. Facing media...Read more denunciation prompts him to seek shelter among the inhabitants of a remote Atlantic island, who happen to be at war.

  • VOD Guide:



Congressman Charlie Winship seems to be having the worst day of his life when he fails to recite the pledge of allegiance, quarrels with his wife and knocks out a House member....Read more Facing media denunciation prompts him to seek shelter among the inhabitants of a remote Atlantic island, who happen to be at war.


  • Category:
  • Movie

  • Censorship:
    • MPAA
    • R

  • Country:
  • US

  • Is this a coloured title?:
  • Yes
